Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Courage Oil is in the Shop

Courage Oil

My Etsy Shop, aptly named Beneath the Witch's Moon now has a couple 10 ml bottles of Courage Oil in stock. I love magical oils, they can be used in so many ways, to anoint candles, jewelry, tools, bodies and so much more. 

This particular oil is one of my favorites which is why I choose it to be the first Magical Oil I sell in my shop. It is specifically designed to give your courage a boost when you are starting something new. As an artist I always feel hesitant when I start a new project so I keep this oil around the shop and when in need of a little boost I just dab a bit on my wrist. I've also put a couple of drops on a sachet to carry in my purse when I needed to take that courage with me (this oil goes great with the Help with a Job Search Spell Bottles!)

My little shop is growing slowly. I make all of the items myself and since most of them are magical in nature they must be done at specific times. With my hectic schedule I work those things in when I can. I love combining Magical purpose with art. In my opinion life should be filled with both Magic and Art. 

I have more spell bottles and oils in the works and hope to add some actual hand sculpted Halloween figures and decor items by mid-August. If you are looking for a particular spell bottle email me either through the blog or contact me via The Shop

Thanks for stopping by!


Journey of the Heart Book has Arrived!

During the Mad Tea Party hosted by aFancifulTwist I was lucky enough to win two separate prizes, one of which is pictured above. This is such a timely gift for me. While I am a pretty positive person (seriously - my rose colored glasses are held together with duct tape and I am not getting rid of them!) I am definitely in need of an in depth journey into myself. 

Too often we take care of others and neglect what we want and need to be happy and complete. I generally have a good sense of self and I mostly enjoy life and all it has to offer but there are a few sneaky things that I am having trouble with and this journey is just what I need to figure out what I really, truly want for me. 

Thank you Kathryn Costa from True North Arts for this awesome prize. 

If you are not familiar with Kathryn's blog you really should check it out!

Friday, July 19, 2013

O is for Orange – A Pagan Blog Project Post

In the studio

This week I thought I would write about the color Orange.

Magically, orange corresponds with the following: prosperity, encouragement, abundance, justice, luck, legal matters, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, abundance, feast and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters and change or zest

As you can see from the list above, Orange is a pretty great color to work with.

I’ve found that color is an important part of my magic. When I am working on a spell I like to put as much oomph in it as I can, let’s face it, when we are doing spell work, we want it to succeed, so using color, whether it be in the form of stones, candles, paper, ribbon, clothing, etc., adds to the power and is such an easy thing to do!

In my studio I have yellow and orange flowers, yellow for creativity and orange for its correspondence to success and achieving business goals. When I am working on my Art I like to have that success swirling around me.

For my Etsy shop Beneath The Witch's Moon ( I know, imagine that) I create spell bottles (among other things). They are beautiful little works of art that are also magical. Currently, orange is featured in two different spell bottles in the shop - the Luck bottles and the Aiding in a Job Search bottles(the orange in inside these bottles), both have orange accents and as you can see above, orange is definitely appropriate for both.

Well, that is my tribute to the color Orange. It is one of my favorite colors and one that I work with often. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This Way to the Mad Tea Party

It's Time for my Mad Tea Party and unlike the White Rabbit you are just in time. Thank you for stopping by my party and a big thank you to Vanessa at for hosting this amazing day full of fun. I hope you enjoy yourself, have some cake, some lovely tea and I'll see you at the next stop! Click on the picture above to go to the Tea Party Page.

Come right in, sit down and enjoy your time here. 

There's plenty of room, don't be shy. 
I'm sure you're aware that we're all Mad here... 

Tea in the tea pot? Absolutely not! Flowers are much more fun, don't you agree? Don't worry, there's plenty of tea in the other two pots. I'll tell you a little secret... The tea in the small pot is perfect, just a bit of magic to make it special and some of the Rabbit's special blend leaves, you really should try some!!

The cake is ready to be cut. Who would like a piece?

Some of the guests took time off form their busy day playing croquet to join us! 

Shhhh, Alice is peaking in on us, she just got back from the Mad Hatter's where she got that cute little tiara!

Be careful with that key! You never know "where" it will unlock!

Last chance for some cake... At least until the next party.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon. Thanks again to Vanessa at for hosting this awesome blog party. I always love to see the beautiful things she posts and it is always amazing to see what others create with a theme. Be sure to check out the other parties. I'm sure you'll see me there!

Friday, July 12, 2013

N is for Goddess Nike - Pagan Blog Project

This week, due to some time constraints, work reports and other projects, I am doing a short (very short) piece on the Goddess Nike.

Nike is the Greek Goddess of Victory. She is the daughter of Pallas and Styx and often associated with Athena. She is a winged Goddess who helps guide the horses of conquering heroes and is a fast runner, swift flyer and a charioteer.

During the War of the Titans, Nike was the personal Charioteer to the Gods and even though her father is a Titan, she fought against the Titans with the Olympians.

Nike has several symbols associated with her: The shield - where she wrote the names of the victors in battle, her wings - which are a symbol of her speed and her ability for flight, the Laurel Wreath – which was given to the victor in athletic competitions and the Palm Branch – which is a symbol of victory and triumph.
Lastly, the founder of the Nike company used her name due to its association with victory in athletics!

Sources: (Picture is from this site - linked above as well)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Spell Bottles in My Etsy Shop

One of a Kind - Prosperity Spell Bottle

This week I will be adding two new types of spell bottles to my Beneath the Witch's Moon Etsy Shop. I am adding two sizes of Protection Spell Bottles and two sizes of a spell bottle to Aid in Finding a Job. These join the Good Luck Spell bottles and the Wealth/Prosperity Spell Bottles that are currently in the shop.

Both the Protection and the Finding a Job bottles come in a pocket size so you can carry them with you as well as in a slightly larger size that you can use to add specific magical intent to any room in your house.

Each spell bottle is hand made by me during the correct moon and astrological phases and with ingredients specifically chosen for the intent of the bottle. Most of my small spell bottles (not the pocket size) are made from antique salt shakers which gives them a beauty all their own.

Larger spell bottles are one of a kind works of magical art and are also created with the correct ingredients and during the correct times for their intended purpose. These are designed to be magical as well as decorative and should be displayed somewhere that they are visible.

All spell bottles are charged and ready to go and come with a spell that the individual can use to make the bottle specifically theirs, adding their own intent and power to the original spell. This step is not necessary but  included for those who prefer to add a little of themselves to the power of the bottle.

Also currently in the shop are several domino pendants, a Kitchen Witch Apron and a gold embroidered Wheel of the Year Altar cloth.

Check it out if you get a chance.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sneak Peak of My Mad Tea Party Preparations

Here is a sneak peak of my Mad Tea Party preparations. Hope to see you Saturday! Be sure to check out on July 13th for a list of all the Mad Tea Parties scheduled for the day or click on the link above and sign up and be part of the party!

Top Hats and Flowers

The White Rabbit's Pocket Watch

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Studio Clean-Up Continues

I had every intention of purging some of the mass quantities of stuff that is making my studio bulge at the seams, I have been working in here for several weeks to make it a functional space again and I've been able to get a lot done. It is a usable space once again, it is functional and welcoming but I have not been able to purge any of the stuff that needs to go so it is still too full!

Have you ever gone on a cleaning binge, throwing things away, donating items that you will NEVER use again only to find that once the item is gone you actually have a use for it? I have done this on too many occasions and it is holding me back. I know that there are many items in here that I am truly never going to use - EVER! I know this. Yet as an artist I have that little voice whispering in the back of my head, tell me that I just don't know what the item could be used for in the future and I might now want to get rid of it.

So right now I am trying to ignore the whispers and fill at least one box of stuff to donate and one to give away to my lovely readers. I think it was the FlyLady who said to find at least 10 items that I can get rid of at a time. Anyone can do that...right?

To be continued...

Friday, July 5, 2013

a Fanciful is Hosting a Mad Tea Party

I'm so excited! Next weekend is A Fanciful Twists 2013 Mad Tea Party and I am all signed up and ready to go! It is short notice for me but I love tea parties, especially magical, mad tea parties. I can't wait! I hope you'll check back next Saturday and visit with me, or better yet, head over to and join in on the fun click here to go to the sign up page!

Win a beautiful dress from the Wicked Faerie Queen and Shabby Apple Vintage Clothing

The Wicked Faerie Queen is offering an amazing giveaway from Shabby Apple Vintage Clothing. You really need to check it out! If you like stylish, vintage inspired clothing and a couple of luscious blogs to visit then this is for you! Click here to visit the giveaway page!

N is for Nettle - Pagan Blog Project

After a lengthy hiatus I am finally back to the Pagan Blog Project and this week I am writing about Nettle.  An amazing herb full of power and potential, Nettle can be eaten, brewed into a tea (or wine or beer!), used for protection and so much more!

Common Folk Names: Stinging Nettle, Common Stinging Nettle, Ortiga Ancha, Devil’s Apron, Devil’s Leaf
Botanical  Name: Urtica dioica
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Animal: Serpent
Gemstone: Ruby or Fire Opal
Some Associated Deities: Thor, Pluto, Hades, Horus, Osiris, Vulcan, Yama
Habitat: Nettle grows all over the world in moist, shady places as well as in gardens, along fences, walls and roadsides. It is a bristly plant growing from 2 to 7 feet high with pointed leaves and small greenish flowers which bloom from July to September.

While you can easily grow nettle yourself it will quickly take over an area so it is probably easier to purchase it from a local herbal store or if you must grow your own, grow it in a large pot to keep it from invading the entire yard!

Medicinal Properties: Histamine, astringent and diuretic. Nettle has been used to treat gout, painful joints, anemia, urinary tract problems, hay fever, insect bites, as an expectorant, a laxative and more.

Nettle is high in iron, vitamins A and C and also rich in protein which is one of the reason they are used to treat anemia.  Nettle can be used to make wine or beer as well as many different food items.

Nettle can be used to make a hair rinse which will leave hair super shiny and strong without stripping the natural oils from the hair. It restores color as well as the health if the scalp.

Before flax, Nettle was used to make thread, yarn and cloth; Nettle is supposed to be stronger than flax and resemble hemp in appearance. 

Magically Nettle is used to ward of ghosts and spirits, keep evil out of the home and facilitate a quick recovery.  Brooms made of Nettles are used to sweep evil out of an area. To keep evil out of the home, sprinkle Nettle around the house and to ward off ghosts, carry nettle in your hand.  To help a sick person’s recovery place a bowl of freshly cut nettle under their bed. To keep negativity away wear Nettle in an amulet and to remove a curse and send it back stuff a poppet with nettle or carry nettle in a sachet. To consecrate an Athame, heat the blade and then put it into an herbal bath made of nettles.

According to Scott Cunningham, Mexican spiritualists recommend Nettle in purification baths because it is “more carnivorous” that other herbs and will work more efficiently.

Interesting Nettle Lore: According to Maurice Zigmond in his book Kawaiisu Ethnobotany, children of the Kawaiisu tribe of Southern California who wanted to study witchcraft had to walk through nettles in preparation for the practice (of witchcraft). (The first areas of study that I was passionate about, which I explored in depth while attending Arizona State, were Archaeology and Native American studies so the above lore was one more reason for me to write about Nettle).


Scott Cunningham: Encyclopedia of magical Herbs
Maurice Zigmond: Kawaiisu Ethnobotany

Websites: (recipes for Nettle Wine and Beer are here)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Witches of Oz Blog Party

I just signed up for The Witches of Oz Blog Party being hosted by The Domestic Witch! This is going to be fun and just what I need to get back into the blogging spirit. I have been a total slacker and my blog has suffered, however, I LOVE this theme and am already thinking of 10 things I could do. Now to narrow it down and get to work.

I hope you'll join us(click on the picture above to be taken to the sign up page), if now at least stop by on August 23rd and see what fun stuff I have to share and of course there will be a Wizard (or Witch) of Oz themed prize or two!!

Happy Birthday America

Happy 4th of July 

Today my family and friends and I will be Bar-B-Q'ing and taking in the fireworks in our lovely town as we celebrate our country's birthday. A lot has happened since our fine country was founded and I hope that the challenges we face as a nation will make us stronger rather than divide us. We are a diverse nation, full of people from every walk of life, from every corner of the earth and from radically different backgrounds yet I like to think that we all strive for the same thing, the ability to live our lives free from persecution, in the best way we can.

Stay safe, enjoy the company of those around you, eat well, drink responsibly and have a blessed day!