Friday, February 24, 2012


This past weekend my boyfriend and I went to Seattle to visit my son and his girl. Even though it rained the entire time it was a fabulous trip! My son is so happy and his girlfriend and her family are gracious, warm and friendly. They love my kiddo and it shows in how they talk to him and in the way they treat him. It is so nice to know that my son is surrounded by people who love him.

While we were there we did the touristy stuff, we visited the Space Needle, Pike's market (above), and the Experience Music Project (below).

Experience Music Project

I also hit as many thrift stores as I could. I make spell bottles out of antique salt and pepper shakers and I found a wonderful set of 6 crystal shakers at Goodwill while in Seattle.

I can't wait to get to work on those. By the end of March the spell bottles I make with those babies will start to show up in my ETSY shop Beneath the Witch's Moon, opening on March 1st - only a few items will be available on opening day due to my travels but I am working on quite a bit more and should have a very nice selection of gifts and supplies by the end of March.

I  am heading out to see my daughter in Orlando tomorrow. What a busy month this has been! I can't believe that March will be here in a matter of days!

Have a lovely week


D is for Devil – Pagan Blog Project Post

The Devil, Diablo, Lucifer... most people recognize the name. The Devil is usually depicted with horns, a tail, sometimes with wings and is almost always hideous in form and feature, unless of course he is trying to seduce an innocent.
In Christianity the Devil is a fallen angel cast out of Heaven, the embodiment of evil who is always trying to lure unsuspecting souls away from God and Heaven, other faiths believe that the Devil is an otherworldly, supernatural evil entity and still others believe that the Devil commands a force of demons to torment the living. There are those who worship the Devil and many who fear it. Some use the concept of the Devil as an excuse, a simple way for them to release themselves from responsibility for their bad behaviors, how many times have you heard someone say “the devil made me do it”, or “he’s got the devil in him”. 
The Devil is a pretty good scapegoat if you ask me, a convenient way for people to skirt responsibility for their actions. Even worse, the Devil is a way for some religious leaders to frighten their flock. I am not poking fun or trying to insult anyone’s religious beliefs but one of my biggest pet peeves with the Devil is how people are told that if they commit “inset bad deed of the moment here” they will be going to hell and forced to endure torture at the hands of Satan himself. How terrifying to be told that if you aren’t following the current leader’s version of morality your soul will be eternally damned. To me, using a person's spiritual beliefs and fears to exert control over them is horrible. As a child I didn’t get it, as an adult I think it is ludicrous.
Throughout history, Witches have been accused of worshipping this creature, of conspiring with evil to harm unsuspecting innocents but as any witch will tell you, we don’t believe in the Devil. In fact, if you were to take a hard look at the belief systems of a witch you’d be surprised by what you find. Witches are the live and let live kind of folks, if you aren’t harming anyone we believe that you should live your life in the way that you want too. We try to take care of ourselves, our families, our environment and our friends, just like everybody else.  We also try to live our lives in such a way that our actions cause no harm.
If I do something bad or stupid, I have to take responsibility for it no matter how much I would prefer not to. I believe in Karma, that there are equal and opposite forces in the universe and that my actions, be they good or bad, will revisit me and not just 3 times, but as many times as necessary for me to learn that Karmic lesson. As you can imagine, I try hard to live a good life J Since I am human, have faults, emotions and bad days, I don’t always do the best or right thing but I try and when I make a mistake, I own it and try to do better the next time.  
The Devil won’t be taking the blame when I screw up… I will!
****This is my last reminder (shameless plug *grin*) about my Lace Mask Giveaway. I will be pulling the winning names on Thursday March 1st. ****

Thursday, February 23, 2012

GOYB Fitness Challenge - Late Check In!

This week was more of the same for me. I was out of town, I only exercised 1 time and fortunately my weight stayed the same.

I did take my measurements again and even though I have not lost any weight I am down another 2.25 inches for a total of 9.25 inches since I started working out with weights.

The amazing thing is that I went from only being able to lift 3 pounds in each hand when doing chest flys to lifting 20 pounds in each hand this week for the same exercise - and yes, right now I am feeling it but the pain feels good! I am starting to see a real difference in my upper arms; the flying squirrel flap is almost gone! Yippee! Or should I say Victory!

BB my friends... I hear a hot bath calling to my aching muscles!

Wowsa! What a Week!

MM all,
What a crazy week! I was in Seattle this past weekend and I leave for Orlando on Saturday for 5 days – I’ll be back just in time for the Lace Mask Drawing. Been visiting my Kiddos this month and I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done! I am working on my Pagan Blog Project post and also a couple of posts for the reading challenges and the Fitness challenge and then one of my trip to Seattle to visit my middle son, his girl and her family J I should be caught up by Saturday before I leave.
I hope everyone is having a magical week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

D is for Divination - A Pagan Blog Project Post

This week I am writing on Divination and the Tarot

Since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with divination and the Tarot. I have always had dreams of things to come and when I discovered that not everyone dreamed of future events divination became very interesting to me.
A little history: my parents divorced when I was 4 and my mother was a 23 year old, divorced mom of 2 at a time when being a divorcee was strongly frowned upon. Mom did the best she could. She worked hard and where she went, my brother and I went too. We moved almost every year for the next 10 years, fortunately for me, being a gypsy was wonderful.
My mom’s friends were unusual, odd, creative and mysterious. They were artists, musicians and authors and we often traveled to craft fairs and art shows on the weekends when my mom wasn’t working. My first experience with Tarot cards was at one of these art fairs. There was a woman giving readings. She was dressed in vibrant colors of silk, she wore bells on her scarves which caused her to jingle musically whenever she moved, she had jeweled rings on her fingers and she was not only beautiful, she was the epitome of wise and mysterious.
I was just a little bit of a thing, maybe 5, and I was fascinated with her. She handed me a deck of cards to look at while she and my mom talked. The colors and pictures just sucked me in. I was totally absorbed by the images that my little 5 year old brain couldn’t quite process. I sat looking at those cards all afternoon while they talked. I went home and for weeks I made up stories about those cards and their beautiful pictures.

Rider Waite Deck
When I was twelve I got my first deck, the Rider-Waite Tarot, along with a how to book for reading them and my love of the Tarot blossomed. Since that time I have found many different Tarot decks to use though I will always love my Rider-Waite deck.

Here are a few individual cards I have collected
Believed to have originated in mid 15th century Europe as a card game, the Tarot’s use as a divination tool didn’t become widely recognized until later, however, divination using a standard deck of cards is documented as early as 1540 in the book The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forli.
There are many popular Tarot layouts or “Spreads” the most familiar being the Celtic Cross Spread, a 10 card layout which gives the person a fairly good look at an issue.

A Celtic Cross Spread using the Fairy Tale Tarot Deck by Lisa Hunt.
In the Celtic Cross, as in all Tarot spreads, each position in the spread means something different. Each card also has a separate meaning depending on whether it is right side up or upside down so during a reading you look at what position the card is located in the spread and also its individual meaning.
The thing about the Tarot is that in order to read it properly you really need to pay attention to what the images mean to you. The guidebooks are great, they give you the traditional meanings and help you as you learn but if the traditional meaning of a card does not ring true to you, you need to follow your instinct.
Some books to help you along:
Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning
Tarot made Easy by Nancy Garen
Tarot: A new Handbook for the Apprentice by Eileen Connolly – this is the one that I started with.
These books are all vastly different in styles and I recommend you read as much as you can, expose yourself to different styles until you find the one that clicks for you.  I pick up a lot of books on Tarot at thrift stores and used book stores. While many of them are similar in their teachings, I have always found something interesting and unique, something that helps me grow, in every Tarot book I buy.
Next week I will be writing a personal essay on dreams and divination.
If you haven’t already, check out this post and enter to win one of the lace butterfly masks I am giving away!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Pictures from the Fire and Ice Masquerade Ball

Here I am with my good friends Sherrie and Jann! I am so lucky to have found them!
That is Sherrie's son Joe behind us, he is a pretty awesome person as well.

So Lovely!

This is Rune, he is one of my favorite people!

Jann, Samantha and Rune

This is TNT, she's an amazing artist!

Shawna and Joanna both have lovely voices

English Bob
He was quite the character!!

The costumes were amazing, the people were fantastic and the night.... magical! That is all I have right now. I had to share with you all, it was such an amazing night for me. I am looking forward to more events with the amazing Northern Nevada Pagan community! Every single person I met was warm and welcoming. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Re-post: Time to Give Back

Since I started this blog late last year I have been welcomed to the online Pagan community in such a wonderful way. I have participate in blog parties, joined challenges and have tried to become a real member of this group.

I have been pretty darn lucky too, winning several prizes from blogs that I follow and participate in. So lucky that I really want to give back to the community that has welcomed me so warmly.

Above are two of the lace butterfly masks that I have made this past year. Both of these were worn and received lots of compliments. Check out my picture here to see the burgundy one on me.

I am giving away a custom Lace Butterfly mask and a surprise item (both) to 2 lucky winners! Each winner will be able to choose the color of mask they want from a selection of 300 colors!! Winners will be chosen on March 1st and the masks mailed by March 30th.

Here are the rules:

1) You must follow me publicly and
2) Post about the giveaway on your blog and link back to this post

That is it!

For each one of the following you will get an additional entry:

1) Follow me on twitter - @autumnwindreno - post here to let me know you are a follower
2) Tweet about the giveaway, link to this post in your tweet
3) Friend me autumnwindreno on facebook - then post here that you did :)
4) Have a friend follow me publicly - have them send me a message that you sent them my way so I give you credit!!

So that is up to 5 entries!

As you may have read a few weeks ago, I am getting ready to open my Magickal Etsy shop Beneath the Witch's Moon on March 1st and to celebrate that I will be doing more giveaways in the near future.

I can't begin to tell you how amazing it has been to step out of the broom closet and into the Pagan community. Thank you for making me feel like I am a part of this beautiful world wide web community!

Blessed Be!!


Sexy,Dark and BLoody - Pagan Culture's 3rd Blogoversary Party

I am going to be attending Pagan Culture's Sexy, Dark & Bloody Blogoversary Party on April 13th, just one day after my birthday. How can I not be a part of something so divine! Check it out, You won't want to miss it!!


GOYB Fitness Challenge Week 7 update

I can't believe it is week 7 already. I stayed the same again this week with my weight. I am trying  not to get discouraged.

I KNOW that part of it is because I am working out with weights. Not only am I working out with weights I am working hard. I am now lifting between 4 and 6 times what I started with. Intellectually I know that weight training slows weight loss and I also know that I have been a slacker when it comes to my diet. I am eating healthy foods - mostly - but I am enjoying dessert and wine a little too often!

I guess I should look at the overall picture - I have lost 7 inches and 4 pounds so far. I have made huge increases in the weight I can lift and I really, really enjoy my weight training class, so much so that I actually look forward to going, I have enjoyed meals out with my man and my friends and no matter what meals I have had the scale has not registered a gain.

The challenge for this coming week is to do something completely different than I am currently doing. I am not sure what I am,going to do. I will be traveling to see my middle son so my options will be limited. I guess I'll try to use the challenge as inspiration to get my exercise in while I am in Seattle :)

On a different note...

One of my personal goals with this blog was to become more of a part of the online Pagan//Wiccan/Magical community. I have to say that I have been welcomed with open arms and I can't even being to tell you how much that means to me! To celebrate that fact I am giving away 2 lace masks, to check out the give away see this post.

Thanks. For reading my blog, for hanging out with me in cyber space and for welcoming me to this amazing community :)


Friday, February 10, 2012

C is for Community: Pagan Blog Project

Community: com·mu·ni·ty/kəˈmyo͞onitē/
 1.    A group of people living together in one place, esp. one practicing common ownership: "a community of nuns".
2.    All the people living in a particular area or place: "local communities".

To me, a community is a group of like minded individuals that share information, encouragement, hopes and more. I have learned so much from this online community. I’ve been offered encouragement and guidance, learned different belief systems, information on the Gods and Goddesses, herbal remedies, correspondences, places to buy Magickal supplies, spells, and so much more. I’ve been introduced to things that I’ve never seen before and it occasionally leaves me breathless. While the online Pagan/Wiccan/Magical community that I am now a part of only loosely fits the definition above, I believe that strong bonds and friendships are definitely being made across the Internet.

 As I have become more involved online I have been welcomed with open arms. While I have occasionally run across an individual or two who acts a little too Self-Important to interact with a newbie blogger like me, overall I have found this online community to be educational, supportive and friendly. 

Joining the Pagan Blog Project was one more way for me to not only connect to others like myself, but to learn more about this amazing group of people. It is fascinating to see the diverse subject matter being written about each week.

Currently, as a way of giving thanks to the community, I am giving away a couple of lace butterfly masks on my blog- check out this post for more info, this is a way for me to just say thank you to those who are following – or who choose to follow - my blog and be a part of my online world. The masks shown are only examples, the winners will get to choose their own color mask and will also receive a special little something from me.

When I started this blog last year, I had two purposes in mind, one was to participate in a Yule fitness challenge and the other was to become a part of the greater online Pagan/Wiccan/Magical community. My goals for the year were to become more involved online and locally.  I am slowly becoming more active locally and I am happy to admit that my broom closet days are coming to an end. When I read a couple more posts about witches and the broom closet I realized that there are really only a few people in my life who don’t know my beliefs and since I rarely talk about religion or politics at work they very likely will never know and it's OK.

Thank you to this amazing online community, for your knowledge, your support, your friendship and your guidance. I truly appreciate you all.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time to Give Back!!


The winners are:

Sandi Crawford
Pagan by Design

Please email your contact information to me at and I will send you the color choices.

Since I started this blog late last year I have been welcomed to the online Pagan community in such a wonderful way. I have participate in blog parties, joined challenges and have tried to become a real member of this group.

I have been pretty darn lucky too, winning several prizes from blogs that I follow and participate in. So lucky that I really want to give back to the community that has welcomed me so warmly.

Above are two of the lace butterfly masks that I have made this past year. Both of these were worn and received lots of compliments. Check out my picture here to see the burgundy one on me.

I am giving away a custom Lace Butterfly mask and a surprise item (both) to 2 lucky winners! Each winner will be able to choose the color of mask they want from a selection of 300 colors!! Winners will be chosen on March 1st and the masks mailed by March 30th.

Here are the rules:

1) You must follow me publicly and
2) Post about the giveaway on your blog and link back to this post

That is it!

For each one of the following you will get an additional entry:

1) Follow me on twitter - @autumnwindreno - post here to let me know you are a follower
2) Tweet about the giveaway, link to this post in your tweet
3) Friend me autumnwindreno on facebook - then post here that you did :)
4) Have a friend follow me publicly - have them send me a message that you sent them my way so I give you credit!!

So that is up to 5 entries!

As you may have read a few weeks ago, I am getting ready to open my Magickal Etsy shop Beneath the Witch's Moon on March 1st and to celebrate that I will be doing more giveaways in the near future.

I can't begin to tell you how amazing it has been to step out of the broom closet and into the Pagan community. Thank you for making me feel like I am a part of this beautiful world wide web community!

Blessed Be!!


The Mug from Pieces of Fate has Arrived!!

What a great week it has been already and it is only Monday! The mug and tea set that I won from Pieces of Fate has arrived! Yippee! What a wonderful gift.

If you haven't visited Pieces of Fate to wish her a  happy2'nd Blogsday you really should. She is have a wonderful celebration and giving aways some pretty amazing gifts!!

Thank you Susan for this beautiful mug and the assortment of teas, I will thoroughly enjoy them!


Monday, February 6, 2012

The Winter Ball - Fire and Ice Masquerade Costume Ball

This week has been quite momentous for this no longer quite so solitary witch. I attended the Winter Ball which was a masquerade ball to benefit the Northern Nevada Pagan Pride day. I met many wonderful people and really enjoyed my first foray out into the local Pagan community in Northern Nevada. 

It was such a lovely night. I met lots of fun, interesting people and got to take part in an Imbolc celebration that was not just for me. I left there feeling energized and happy.

Add to this the two online rituals I attended this week and it appears that I am propping open that broom closet door more and more - and I LOVE it! I even offered to help my friend with her booth at the Pagan Pride event in September. Not only will I be supplying her with some Pagan and Wiccan themed embroidered items - I'll also be manning the booth! Yeah! I am already excited about it and the event isn't for 7 months!

BB everyone!

GOYB Update

This week was pretty much the same as last week. I worked out with weights on Saturday and Wednesday and followed Weight Watchers mostly :) I managed to only gain .2. Since I am working out with weights I am pretty pleased to have only gained .2 so far. Hopefully I won't continue to gain, as much as I know it is my body adjusting to the weight training it is still annoying!

I managed to still drink mostly water though I did have a single diet coke when I went to lunch with my other half. I find it interesting that I no longer crave it at all! That is a huge step for me. This week I want to make sure I track my diet for Weight Watchers and then add some cardio to me week.

We'll see how that goes!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Candle Magick - Pagan Blog Project

For my Pagan Blog Project Post this week I decided to write a little about Candle Magick. This is one of the most basic forms of sympathetic magic.  A simplified example is making a wish as you blow out a birthday candle. Your intent is there in the wish and the belief that blowing out that candle in a single breath will make your wish come true is the thought and the breath that blows it out the action that sets the magic in motion.
Candle magic is popular for many reasons. The supplies are generally inexpensive and easily found and the spell work can be quite simple or as elaborate as one prefers.
Candles have a different purpose based on their color. Here are a few color correspondences, keep in mind that each color represents more than what I have listed below and of course there are more colors that those listed below:
Black: Protection, Banishing Evil, Breaking Free from Bad Habits
Blue: Calmness, Truth, Healing
Pink: Love, Romance, Friendship
Red: Energy, Passion, Courage
Green: Balance, Abundance, Prosperity

Another option is to buy a candle designed for a specific spell. I love the Wicked Witchin line of candles. I have a couple of those in my studio and they are not only cute, I have had very good results with them.

When choosing candles for Magickal work always make sure to think about the Magickal work you will be doing. Does the spell require you to burn the candle in one sitting? If so you certainly don’t want to use a 3” thick pillar candle.  It is also usually best if you use a new candle, one that is specific for the purpose at hand, even better you can try your hand at making candles for your spells. Making candles for spells allows you to not only be specific as to your intent when making them but you add you own energy to the candle as you make it. I use many different candle types including simple store bought wax styles, homemade and beeswax.  Birthday candles are a great option. They are small, inexpensive and come in a multitude of colors!

Regardless of the type of candle you use, always be sure to cleanse and consecrate it before use. You don’t want any negative energy disrupting your work!

I'll write more about Candle Magick when we get to the letter E...

For more information on the Pagan Blog Project click the picture above

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Blessed Imbolc to You All

As we celebrate the beginnings of spring and renewed life I want to wish you all a blessed day.
