Monday, February 19, 2018

Snowy Day


We got about 3 inches of heavy, wet snow yesterday. My silly girl, Sophie, just wanted to run and play in it. Really, she wanted me to throw her ball for her but I was too cold. Fortunately, my son, her boy, went out and played with her for a bit. Both boy and dog were very happy by the end.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Full Moon Times

I am looking forward to tomorrow's full moon. I will be out before dawn, in the frosty winter air, hoping get a clear view. In my area the full moon will be eclipsed at 4:51 am.

I will still be sitting out with my wine tomorrow evening as the moon rises. My dogs love the full moon, really they love that I go outside, in the dark, and hang out with them while I enjoy the moon :0) Its a win-win!

Here is a link to the NASA article about this moon and what time you will see it depending on where you live:

I hope you have clear skies and a lovely view!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon - Say What?

I love a full moon, really how can you not, but the full moon coming up on January 31st promises to be lovely.

There seems to be quite a bit of hype for this full moon. Apparently having a second full moon in the month (Blue Moon) coupled with a lunar eclipse (Blood Moon) is getting people all sorts of excited.

I can't say that I blame them. I'll be sitting in the back year, wrapped in a warm, fuzzy, blanket, sipping a glass of wine while I enjoy the show. I'll also be focusing on the coming year, the big move and my life, all while listening to Wendy Rule's full moon concert.

Wendy and Tim are performing a free Full Moon concert beginning at 5:00 am pacific time on January 31st. Check out her website for more information: I'll be listening to the recorded concert that evening since I have to work that morning but I definitely plan to tune in to the live show while getting ready for work :0)

Currently they are forecasting clear weather for my part of town, of course living near the mountains means the weather could change rapidly but I have faith.

So... do you plan to do anything special during this full moon? I'd love to hear how you work with the moon.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2017 - Hello 2018!

"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
Write a Good One" ~Brad Paisley

I am not one to usually quote a Country music star but I really liked this sentiment. Each day is a fresh start. Make it a good one.

I cannot believe that we are entering 2018. The past year has been challenging for my family. I have continued to work on my degree (which takes up a lot of my spare time), my hubby lost his job and was under-employed for over 9 months, bills thankfully, were paid, but it has been a very slim year.

My man is currently living in Southern California and working for a new company in a fantastic position. I believe he will thrive in his new job. If he loves it, chances are highly likely that I will be relocating. Time will tell. Fortunately, I am up for the adventure. As long as I have the ability to return to my family and friends in Nevada every now and then, I think that moving to a warm, sunny climate, full of diverse cultures and a huge variety of, well, everything is exciting! Life will definitely change but that is OK.

Since my focus has been on finishing my education, I have not made the time to blog as much as I want to. It is easy to say that I do not have the time, but I know that if it is important to me I can make the time. I miss blogging and connecting with others. I miss the blog parties and the interesting topics that were discussed during blog challenges. I miss the people and the community.

Every year I plan to blog more. This year is no different. I plan to blog every month in 2018. My goal is to post a minimum of two times each month with a hope to do more.

I will be seeking out challenges, parties, and other blog related events that I can get involved in. I plan to focus on the wheel of the year, ritual, recipe, and lore with a little bit of my crazy life thrown in for fun. My travels this past year were few. In 2018 I will once again be traveling. I'll be heading to So Cal to visit my man, to Ft. Lauderdale, FL for a class and hopefully to sunny St. Thomas (please, please, please) for a much needed vacation after graduation!

Thanks for hanging out with me. I hope to see you again soon!