There are three mini challenges for this week. I have already taken my measurements and a before picture which I'll post once I have a progress picture that I like - baby steps, anyway that takes care of the first two mini challenges, for the third I need to make a plan so here is mine:
I am committing to not only go to my Weight Watcher's meetings I am going to actually follow the plan! I am a huge fan of Weight Watchers because they are not a fad diet, heck, they aren't really a diet they are more of a lifestyle change and baby my lifestyle needs to change! So I'll be making sure I eat my veggies, take my vitamin, drink lots of water and really follow the health eating style that Weight Watchers suggests.
Additionally, a coworker and I signed up to do a weight training class 2 days a week with a former Miss Nevada Body Building champion. My co-worker has been working with this lady for 6 months and loves her, I start on Tuesday! In addition to the weight training I will be alternating between cardio on my treadmill and a flexibility workout with a Yoga DVD at least 3 days per week for a total of 5 days of formal movement per week. I'll also be taking the dogs for walks a few days per week as weather permits.
So that is my plan. I hope you will join me and my fellow Get Off Your Broom challenge members as we get healthy and fit in 2012!
Hi! I'm doing the Get Off Your Broom challenge also. I always wanted to try Weight Watchers, just no money. I love your exercise plan also! :)